QUIZ: Do you belong with Klaus Hargreeves or Nathan Young?
QUIZ: Do you belong with Klaus Hargreeves or Nathan Young?

First things first, what are you looking for?
Pick a date location.
If you could choose, what would your super power be?
Would you have a relationship with someone who wasn't close to their family?
What high school stereotype were you?
Choose a streaming service.
It's Saturday night and you've got no plans. Choose a series to binge.
You're inviting someone over. Finish the text with your favourite emoji.
Klaus Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
You definitely belong with Klaus Hargreeves. You're fun-loving and fiercely loyal, there's no way you two wouldn't hit it off. Ah, imagine your shared wardrobe?
Nathan Young
Nathan Young
You're destined to be with Nathan Young. Your chaotic energy, quick wit and love of partying are unmatched. Um, do we hear wedding bells?
QUIZ: Do you belong with Klaus Hargreeves or Nathan Young?