QUIZ: How Many Times Will It Take You To Pass Your Driving Test
QUIZ: How Many Times Will It Take You To Pass Your Driving Test
Good luck!
Good luck!

What does this road sign mean?
When following another vehicle you should give yourself how many seconds of space?
Choose a song to play while cruising down the highway?
What does this road sign mean?
When driving in fog you should...?
Which drive-thru will you visit first after passing your test?
Pick an air freshener to pimp out your car.
The left-hand lane of a motorway in the UK should be used for…
What does this sign mean?
An injured motorcyclist is lying unconscious in the road. You should…
First Time!
First Time!
You're destined to be a pro driver. Keep checking those mirrors, sticking to the speed limit and use your seatbelt - safety first!
You'll Pass On Your Second Attempt!
You'll Pass On Your Second Attempt!
Not bad to be honest! The average is about two or three attempts so this is nothing to be ashamed of.
You'll Pass On Your Third Attempt!
You'll Pass On Your Third Attempt!
Third time's a charm!
You'll Pass On Your Sixth Test
You'll Pass On Your Sixth Test
It's not the destination but the getting there that's important and this is especially true for you.
You'll Pass On Your Seventh Test
You'll Pass On Your Seventh Test
Reverse parking can be a bitch, huh?
We Regret To Inform You That You'll Never Pass
We Regret To Inform You That You'll Never Pass
Because you're destined to become super rich and you'll have a chauffeur! Lucky you!