QUIZ: How Much Of A Troll Are You, Really?
QUIZ: How Much Of A Troll Are You, Really?

How concerned are you about making sense?
If someone takes offence to something you've written, what is your instinctive reaction?
How many times have you been blocked by people on social media?
How many rickrolling videos have you made?
Describe Ken M in one word.
Is it okay to troll animals?
Have you ever spoofed someone's Facebook profile for lolz?
Approximately how long do you spend in the comments section of a website per day?
Describe this picture.
Troll Bait
Troll Bait
You don't have a trolling bone in your body. In fact, you're most likely the target of trolling on a daily basis. Without you trolling wouldn't be so fun, so hopefully that makes you feel better.
Troll Bait
Troll Bait
You don't have a trolling bone in your body. In fact, you're most likely the target of trolling on a daily basis. Without you trolling wouldn't be so fun, so hopefully that makes you feel better.