QUIZ: How well do you remember Miss Congeniality 2?
QUIZ: How well do you remember Miss Congeniality 2?
Created by PopBuzz
On Mar 29, 2021
QUIZ: How well do you remember Miss Congeniality 2?
1 / 8
What song did Fuller sing on stage at the Oasis Drag Club?
2 / 8
What TV show is Gracie on when Fuller demonstrates the SING move on the host?
3 / 8
True of false: Both Dolly Parton and Octavia Spencer make cameos in Miss Congeniality 2.
4 / 8
Cheryl and Stan are kidnapped and taken to a ship in Las Vegas. Where is the ship located?
5 / 8
Who said this: "Wake up and smell the iced vente decaf caramel macchiato!"
6 / 8
The FBI relocated Fuller to New York City, but where was she before?
7 / 8
How many people get shot when the bank heist goes wrong?
8 / 8
Why did Eric dump Gracie?
Questions left
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