QUIZ: How Well Do You Remember The Weirdest Controversies Of The Year?
QUIZ: How Well Do You Remember The Weirdest Controversies Of The Year?
Um...THAT happened?!
Um...THAT happened?!

At this year's Academy Awards, "La La Land" was accidentally announced as best picture. Which film ACTUALLY won "Best Picture"?
Which 2000s rapper played an unexpected role in this year's disasterous Fyre Festival?
Which US White House Official first coined the term "alternative facts"?
Zoella courted controversy this year when her 12-day Christmas advent calendar sold for £50 in which British retailer?
Which Netflix show raised concerns with parents over its depiction of depression and suicide?
What beverage was Kendall Jenner promoting in the controversial April 2017 ad?
Complete the opening lyrics to Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do"
Which internet star's neighbours described residing near him as a "living hell"?
When asked what her "naughtiest" moment was, British Prime Minister Theresa May gave what answer?
Which Kardashian-Jenner sister was NOT believed to be expecting a child this year?
Which piece of legislation did US Republicans repeatedly (and unsuccessfully) try to repeal this year?
Taylor Swift countersued her sexual harasser this year and won. How much money did she ask for as part of the settlement?