QUIZ: Is your personality more British, American or Australian?

Created by PopBuzz
On Sep 8, 2021
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Which word describes you best?

Pick a delicious snack.

How do you feel about the British monarchy?

Describe your perfect Sunday.

Choose a national treasure.

Inside or outside?

What's your alcoholic beverage of choice?

Speaking of alcohol… how much do you drink on an average night out?



Your personality is more American! You're loud, proud and direct. Being independent and speaking up about subjects you're passionate about comes naturally to you. And when you walk into a room it's hard to ignore your presence.



Your personality is more British! You're sharp, witty and you live for complaining about the ever-changing weather. You have the typical British "stiff upper lip" and can't help apologising when there's no need to.



Your personality is more Australian! You're relaxed, laid-back and you don't take things too seriously. You enjoy the simple life and nothing is too much trouble for you.

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