QUIZ: Should You Have Long Or Short Hair In 2017?
QUIZ: Should You Have Long Or Short Hair In 2017?
Hair today, gone tomorrow.
Hair today, gone tomorrow.

Are you afraid of heights?
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Would you rather be a competitive runner or swimmer?
Do you consider yourself a free spirit or a nervous nelly?
Pick a future profession
What gives you the most stress?
How do you relax?
You're walking alone in the dark but, to protect yourself, you can pull one thing from your bag. What is it?
You should have long hair in 2017. You're carefree, creative, and amazing to be around. You know how to have a good time but you're also loyal and spontaneous! Your long hair can be styled bone straight, wavy, up, and down. Super versatile...just like you!
It's short hair for you! You're bright, hard-working, and fun to be around. You don't take yourself too seriously, but you're not exactly the spontaneous type. You always have something on your mind. You know exactly how to make short hair versatile and chic.