QUIZ: We know if you're a good partner based on these relationship questions

Created by PopBuzz
On Jun 3, 2021
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Describe your communication skills in one word. Go!

Do you plan dates?

Your partner is calling you at 3am. Are you answering?

You're out to eat with your significant other and there's only one slice of pizza left. Wyd?

Your significant other wants to completely change their career and it seems…ambitious. What's your response?

You see your partner chatting to someone and it looks like they're flirting. How do you react?

Do you remember all the small and seemingly insignificant conversations you've had about their hopes, dreams and ambitions?



Yes! You're definitely a good boyfriend or girlfriend. You pay attention to all the little details and respect your partner's decisions even if you don't agree. You have multiple common interests and you're always trying to understand their point of view. Ultimately, they're your best friend and you always treat them with kindness.



No… you're not a good boyfriend or girlfriend. Yikes. You might have been great in the beginning but you've lost your groove. Maybe it's time to consider if you even want to be in a relationship…



Hmm, sometimes you're a good partner. You have your moments of being a great listener and caring, but there are times when you just lose it.

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