QUIZ: We Know What Kind Of Girlfriend You Are Based On 5 Random Questions
QUIZ: We Know What Kind Of Girlfriend You Are Based On 5 Random Questions
What does your personality say about you as a partner?
What does your personality say about you as a partner?
Which habit is grossest to you?
What sounds more relaxing to you?
What's your best quality?
Choose a colour to paint your room
What is your brunch essential?
You're the "ride or die" girlfriend
You're the "ride or die" girlfriend
You're the "ride or die" girlfriend. You're smart and loyal and are always there for your boo no matter what. They can depend on you in almost any situation and never have to worry about whether you'll be on their side.
You're the "boss chick" girlfriend
You're the "boss chick" girlfriend
You're the boss chick girlfriend. You're not domesticated by any stretch of the imagination. You get sh*t done and don't take crap from anyone, especially not bae.
You're the patient type
You're the patient type
You're the patient type. You're a great listener, great at giving advice, and never sweat the small things. Your personality is laid back, but your loved ones can always count on you.
You're the fiery type
You're the fiery type
You're the fiery type. You argue, pick fights, and never back down. But you're passionate. You care about significant other and, if it came down to it, you would fight on their behalf. It's not a bad thing. That's who you are in or out of a relationship.