QUIZ: What Percent Angry Are You?
QUIZ: What Percent Angry Are You?
Are you chill af or an angry ball of rage? Time to find out....
Are you chill af or an angry ball of rage? Time to find out....

How does this image make you feel?
Pick a swear word.
Choose a spirit animal.
How many fights have you been in?
How do you like to calm down after an argument?
Choose a song.
Do you like pissing people off?
If you were forced to throw a missile at a stranger, which would you pick?
99.999% Angry
99.999% Angry
Damn, you're mad as hell right now! What's up? Did someone steal your meme? Did a mutual unfollow?
Your moods are very volatile and you're prone to flying off the handles are any given moment. The tiniest of things can make you really angry and once you get getting, there is no stopping you!
Maybe you might wanna start yoga or something?
You have a fairly high level of anger, above average.
Unlike some people, you're not likely to freak out over nothing - there is usually a good reason. But when you lose it, you go ape. Seriously, it's actually terrifying.
Use your anger for good - punch a misogynist today.
You have less than average anger, which is a good thing. No one likes a stress head.
That doesn't mean you don't have your moments though (we wouldn't want to cross you when you're in a bad mood!). At your worst, you can reduce someone to tears in a single putdown.
Most of the time your nice so people still want to chill with you...for now.
You're chill af and thank god because someone needs to be.
While everyone else is running around like headless chickens, you're in the corner, sipping on a mojito, watching the madness unfold with a smile on your face.
The thing is, you give zero fucks, and that's what people like about you. Don't change bbz!