QUIZ: What Percent Human Disaster Are You?
QUIZ: What Percent Human Disaster Are You?
Raise your hand if you're kind of a disaster...
Raise your hand if you're kind of a disaster...

How often do trip over your own feet?
Should you ever be allowed near heavy machinery?
Do you ever accidentally laugh at inappropriate times?
Someone in your family has a baby, but it's not cute. What do you say.
Be honest, how clumsy in general are you?
Have you ever broken your phone screen?
Are you messy when you eat or drink?
Do you have a reputation for being a hot mess?
Would you consider yourself to be athletic?
Have you ever messed something up SO badly that you just laid down and try to let your soul float away?
0% Human Disaster
0% Human Disaster
You're as close to perfect as they come. You can smoothly navigate most situations and you're pretty good on your feet.
32% Human Disaster
32% Human Disaster
Not too bad, kid. You have your disastrous moments but most of the times you handle yourself pretty well.
75% Human Disaster
75% Human Disaster
Whoops! Things are usually dicey for you, aren't they?
99% Human Disaster
99% Human Disaster
There's never a dull moment when you're around.