QUIZ: What Should Your Signature Curse Word Be?
QUIZ: What Should Your Signature Curse Word Be?
Swearing is fun, isn't it?
Swearing is fun, isn't it?

How much do you love swearing?
Do you consider yourself a creative or an analytical thinker?
Do people get surprised when you swear or is it business as usual?
What's your favourite non-swear?
What's your favourite kind of rant?
What would you rather be? Classy, badass, or straight savage?
Who is your swearing icon?
Are you a social butterfly or a lone wolf?
"F*ck Trumpet"
"F*ck Trumpet"
It's creative, funny, and the perfect thing to call someone when they're being a bit of a, um...f*ck trumpet.
Short, sweet, and to the point. Shit is a verb, an adjective, and a noun. You really can't go wrong with this one.
It's a British classic. You're a bit serious, but not too serious. You love that surprise moment when you find yourself calling someone a "wanker".
It's an exclamation and a rather unsettling word for male anatomy. But it's a good one to scream when you just can't believe a crazy situation. E.g. "WHAT A LOAD OF OLD BOLLOCKS"
He's a d*ckhead, she's a d*ckhead, they're d*ckheads. It's blunt, to the point, and leaves no room for interpretation. The perfect signature swear.
"Ass butt"
"Ass butt"
Now *THIS* is a creative swear. It's also a cheeky little "Supernatural" reference, if you caught it. You really can't go wrong with "ass butt. "