QUIZ: What % Zillennial are you?
QUIZ: What % Zillennial are you?
You have to delete one app. What will it be?
How often do you actually talk on the phone?
What is her name?
Who do you follow most?
Is the word "slaps" in your vocabulary? For example, "This song slaps!"
Whose style do you admire most?
You've been given a houseplant for your birthday. How long can you keep it alive?
Do you have a finsta?
There's a war going on right now and it's Millennial vs Gen Z. Which side are you on?
You're only 1% Zillennial! That means you're not confused about which generation bracket you fall in. You're probably just a typical Millennial or Gen Zer.
You're 17% Zillennial! You only have a little bit of Zillennial in you so you're probably very firmly inside your generational category. However, those Zillennial traits always manage to sneak in…
You're 50% Zillennial! You're right in the middle of the Zillennial spectrum. You probably lived through the era of VHS, Blockbuster, DVD and Netflix. Ultimately, you're a melting pot.
You're 72% Zillennial! That means you're probably a Zillennial but there are elements of your personality that can definitely fall under the Millennial or Gen Z radar.
You're 99% Zillennial! You're a typical Zillennial trapped inbetween two generations. You were probably born between the mid to late '90s and can easily relate to both sides.