QUIZ: Which Album From 2017 Was Secretly Written About You?
QUIZ: Which Album From 2017 Was Secretly Written About You?
We gotta know.
We gotta know.

What was your relationship status this year?
Be honest, which one of these headlines from 2017 was actually you?
What stressed you out the most this year?
And what made you happy?
2017 mood?
Pick a word to describe 2017.
What was your most used emoji this year?
Harry Styles - Harry Styles
Harry Styles - Harry Styles
In 2017 you ditched the past and started afresh and, honestly, you've never looked or sounded better. You're like a brand new person and you should be proud of that.
Niall Horan - Flicker
Niall Horan - Flicker
People might have underestimated you but in 2017 people saw how brilliant and talented you actually are. You've always been the underdog but not anymore biatch!
Ed Sheeran - Divide
Ed Sheeran - Divide
While this year hasn't been *perfect*, it has had a lot of high points. In fact, it might have been your best year yet. Just remember, whatever goes up...
Paramore - After Laughter
Paramore - After Laughter
You maintained an upbeat and happy exterior in 2017 but the truth is that on the inside you've been feeling anything but that. This year has been hella exhausting and anxiety-inducing but you've been trying to be positive despite it all, so props to you.
Taylor Swift - Reputation
Taylor Swift - Reputation
The old you was DEAD in 2017 and you were all the better for it. You were confident, didn't take shit from anybody and defended yourself when needed to. It's been a brutal but rewarding year and you're going into 2018 with your head held high.
Khalid - American Teen
Khalid - American Teen
You've had a lot of highs and lows romantically this year and you've also been feeling nostalgic for the past. That hasn't stopped you being wild and living your best life though, so things weren't all that bad.
Lorde - Melodrama
Lorde - Melodrama
You spent a lot of time at parties this year and things got hella hectic for a while. But you've also spent a long time thinking about this time in your life and appreciate it for what it is. If you spent most of this year getting wrecked and making bad decisions, who cares? Enjoy it while you can!
Halsey - Hopeless Fountain Kingdom
Halsey - Hopeless Fountain Kingdom
You've been on a bit of a journey this year, and it's mostly been defined by a relationship you had. It was chaotic and messy but you've come out the other side a stronger and better person for it.