QUIZ: Which Harry Styles Song Describes Your Love Life?
QUIZ: Which Harry Styles Song Describes Your Love Life?
Harold's debut album finally dropped but which song is summing up your love life right now?
Harold's debut album finally dropped but which song is summing up your love life right now?

What's your relationship status?
What’s your mood right now?
Choose an aesthetic.
Traitor or revolutionary?
Pick a 60s rock band.
Do you believe in Larry?
From The Dining Table
From The Dining Table
"Woke up alone in this hotel room. Played with myself, where were you? Fell back to sleep, I got drunk by noon. I've never felt less cool."
Ummmm yeah, it's not looking good. Sorry about it.
Two Ghosts
Two Ghosts
"We're just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me. Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat"
Unfortunately, your love has or is dying. Cheer yourself up by listening to anything but this song.
Ever Since New York
Ever Since New York
"Oh, tell me something I don't already know"
OK THEN. You're going to fall in love, twice, within a week. Eventually you'll be forced to choose between two soul mates. One will lead you to fame and fortune, the other will lead you to your grave.
Good luck with that!
Sign Of The Times
Sign Of The Times
"Just stop your crying, have the time of your life. Breaking through the atmosphere and things are pretty good from here"
Honey, you need to get your shit together. Times have been hard but there's plenty more fish in the sea. You need to put on your favourite outfit and get out there. If Harry can walk on water you can find a new bae.
Sweet Creature
Sweet Creature
"Two hearts in one home, I know, It's hard when we argue.
We're both stubborn, I know"
Guuurl I know shit might be hard right now but love is never easy. Drop the attitude and start doing what's right for the both of you.