QUIZ: Which Never Have I Ever character are you?

Created by PopBuzz
On Jul 16, 2021

What's your biggest flaw?

Pick an after-school activity.

You're invited to a crazy party. What do you do?

What do you look for in a love interest?

What is your go-to social media platform?

Which Riverdale character do you identify with most?

Would you pet a coyote?

Are you team Ben or team Paxton?



You're Devi. You're funny, intelligent and a weirdo in a good way. You have a short temper and you can sometimes get a little too wrapped up in your own problems but you have been through some shit and you're willing to admit when you're wrong. A legend.



You're Eleanor. You march to the beat of your own drum and people love you for it. You've got a tendency to be a little bit over-dramatic at times but that's also one of your greatest attributes. You bring theatre and flair to those close to you. An icon from head to toe.



You're Fabiola. You're clever, kind and you rock a great pant suit. You can sometimes get in your head and doubt yourself but you're a boss. You just need to be there for yourself like you're there for those you love. A great friend that anyone would be lucky to have.



You're Paxton. You're charming, you're sexy and you're next level hot. To those who don't know you well, you can come across as arrogant but you really just care too much about what other people think. Just be yourself. Ultimately, you're a star with a heart of gold.



You're Ben. You're a loveable, overachieving dork with a great future ahead of you. You're so competitive that you sometimes push away those who could be close friends or more. You're working on it though and you're finding people who really appreciate you for you.



You're Kamala. You're smart, you're caring and you're beautiful. You spend so much time pleasing others that you can sometimes forget to consider what you want and do what's best for you. People are naturally drawn to you though so don't stress. You've got this.



You're Aneesa. You're friendly, outgoing and beautiful inside and out. There's something effortlessly cool about you and people naturally gravitate to you but you can be naive at times. Don't let people take advantage of you. You deserve nothing but the best.



You're Nalini. You're iconic, ambitious and determined. It's hard always keeping it together though and there's nothing wrong with admitting when you're out of your depth. Take time to pause, breathe and laugh with your loved ones. You've more than earned it.

QUIZ: Which Never Have I Ever character are you?

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