QUIZ: Which Riverdale Character Would Be Your Frenemy?
QUIZ: Which Riverdale Character Would Be Your Frenemy?
It's time to settle this once and for all.
It's time to settle this once and for all.

You’re told a potentially very incriminating secret about your friend. What do you do?
You’re friend hasn’t noticed the bogey on the tip of their nose. What do you do about it?
What’s most important to you in a friend?
You’re friend asks for dating advice about someone you’ve got the hots for. What do you do?
You’re friend has decided to wear a hideous dress to go out. What are you going to tell them?
What do you hate the most in others?
Which character will you be sacrificing first when the inevitable zombie invasion come?
You like Dark Betty. Y'know, the one that nearly drowns guys in a hot tub or goes breaking into people's cars but you find her earnest and caring side a little overbearing. Also, you think her boyfriend is a dick.
You and Veronica get on like a house on fire! The problem? Boys. Yep, there's always an Archie or someone getting in the way of your friendship. Honestly, you should just ditch all of them. They aren't worth the hassle.
I mean, who doesn't love going to parties and spending all that Blossom money with Cheryl? The only problem is that Cheryl is a massive bitch, which can make things a little difficult. Shame.
While you appreciate Josie's talent and ambition you also can't stand her diva attitude. It often leads to deadly cat fights. Claws out!
Alice Cooper
Alice Cooper
Alice thinks you're leading Betty astray and getting her involved with "bad things" like boys and alcohol but she does appreciate your kindness and loyalty to her daughter.
The problem is that Jughead is too "alternative" to put up with your One Direction obsession and you can't stand his third-rate writing abilities. You do bond over a love of burgers and milkshakes, so at least you have that.