QUIZ: Which "Supergirl" Ship Are You?
QUIZ: Which "Supergirl" Ship Are You?
Are you obsessed with Sanvers or more of a Wynn fan?
Are you obsessed with Sanvers or more of a Wynn fan?

Pick a super-power:
Pick a newspaper section to write for:
Pick a TV show to crossover with:
Pick a member of the Justice League:
Pick a heroic song:
Pick a colour for your cape:
Alex and Maggie
Alex and Maggie
Fans sort of already got their wish with this one but they still aren't an official item. Let's hope all is smooth sailing aboard the good ship Sanvers by the end of season 2.
Kara and Mon-El
Kara and Mon-El
Ok, yes, he did try to strangle her in a hospital but, hey, alien love stories aren't like ours - they are just a bit weirder!
Kara and James
Kara and James
You just know you've been wanting these two to be an item ever since you heard Jimmy's smooth voice back in the pilot.
Kara and Wynn
Kara and Wynn
It's Jeremy Jordan. Star of Newsies. The only good thing about season two of NBC's Smash. Need we say more?
Kara and Lena
Kara and Lena
Even when they are arguing, there's a little look in Lena's eyes. We could see it happening. Watch this space...
Kara and Cat
Kara and Cat
Um...well...it's a long shot, but we bet there is a LOT of fan fic out there about them.