We Know What Christmas Movie You Should Watch Right Now Based On This One Question?
We Know What Christmas Movie You Should Watch Right Now Based On This One Question?
We've got you covered!
We've got you covered!

Who is the drunkest person in the room right now?
Home Alone
Home Alone
Because there's nothing better than shouting Home Alone quotes at displeased members of your family.
Because it's an absolute TREASURE and all humans need to be sober in order to appreciate it in it's purest form.
Jingle All The Way
Jingle All The Way
Because ARNOLD.
Love Actually
Love Actually
Because it's bound to set your Mum off and will provide you and your siblings endless entertainment.
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Because nothing brings family closer together than the age old Halloween or Christmas debate and a sing a long.
The Santa Clause
The Santa Clause
Because if Grandma's drunk then there's a 95% chance she'll be asleep in 5 minutes. Turn off 'It's A Wonderful Life' that she insisted on watching and start watching this classic.
How The Grinch Stole Christmas
How The Grinch Stole Christmas
Because it'll keep the little devils out of the way and busy for the next 2 hours while you engage in a serious game of Cards Against Humanity.
Die Hard
Die Hard
Because it'll be funny to watch your Dad try and prove this is a film worthy of it's Christmas title.