What Female Power Couple Are You And Your Best Friend?
What Female Power Couple Are You And Your Best Friend?
Are you more Hayley and Lauren or Taylor and Selena?
Are you more Hayley and Lauren or Taylor and Selena?

Use one word to describe the nature of your friendship.
Would you have her back in a fight?
Choose a vacation spot that would be perfect for you two.
Do you ever let boys get between you?
What are you going to get her for her birthday this year?
Besides driving, how do you two prefer to split the road trip duties?
What is a typical night out for you two like?
What is a typical night in for the two of you like?
What do you two always agree on?
What do you imagine your friendship will look like ten years from now?
What caused your biggest fight ever?
Hayley Williams and Lauren Mayberry
Hayley Williams and Lauren Mayberry
Your the power couple of the alt scene. You're actually very different people: you not necessarily look alike or do exactly the same things. But you do share a love for things like music and film which transcend the trivial stuff. You both support each other, even if you can't always be there in person. That's the mark of true friendship.
Amy Schumer and Jennifer Lawrence
Amy Schumer and Jennifer Lawrence
You two are such a fun, funny and charming pair, that your friendship has a fan club...for real. Separate, you're both pretty cool, but when you get together? BANG! You're turning heads and blowing minds with the power your awesome friendship. You give everyone around you friendship goals and the giggles.
Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift
Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift
One is the most successful artists in pop, the other is the most followed person on Instagram. Ya'll can't get much more powerful than that! You and your bestie are destined for big things, big rings, fame and fortune! Or, at the very least, you'll slay at whatever you do because your both determined, talent, smart and have a killer instinct. You're both cute af too, which helps.
Tina Fey and Amy Poehler
Tina Fey and Amy Poehler
You two always think you're the smartest ones in the room, don't you? That's okay. You're both so charming, no one minds if you toot your own collective horn. Besides...you usually are. You both bring big intellects, big personalities and grand ideas to this pairing. People might not always agree with you, but they always respect you.
Abbi and Ilana
Abbi and Ilana
You two are hilarious! Honestly, you two should be a comedy duo. You're kind, generous and look after each other but you go on the craziest adventures together. You often get into sketchy situations as a result but it's always worth it for the story afterwards. Who knows how long until the two of you burn out, but until then, you sure as shoot going to enjoy the ride.