QUIZ: Only an Incredibles expert can score 9/9 on this quiz
QUIZ: Only an Incredibles expert can score 9/9 on this quiz

Created by PopBuzz
On Oct 14, 2020
QUIZ: Only an Incredibles expert can score 9/9 on this quiz
1 / 9
What is Frozone's real name?
2 / 9
What is the name of Syndrome's island?
3 / 9
What city do the Incredibles live in?
4 / 9
What superpowers does Mirage have?
5 / 9
What's the name of Winston Deavor's yacht?
6 / 9
In Incredibles 2, what is Bob's job?
7 / 9
When was Incredibles 2 released?
8 / 9
What is the name of Violet's crush?
9 / 9
Who was the last villain Mr Incredible fought before retiring?
Questions left
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