What Percentage Eleven From Stranger Things Are You?
What Percentage Eleven From Stranger Things Are You?

Pick a topping for your waffles.
Choose a wig.
Which Stranger Things kid would you save from a burning building first?
What's the square root of 11?
Friends don't...
What's your opinion of Barb?
Pick a colour which reflects your soul.
What's your relationship status with the Demogorgon?
11% Eleven
11% Eleven
This could be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on how you look at it. On the plus side, you're not being hunted down by the government and you don't have an addiction to eggo waffles. On the other hand, you don't have any special powers and you're not an internet sensation. Sorry about it?
33% Eleven
33% Eleven
You're got a little bit of Eleven inside of you, and that's a good thing! You're a bit strange and people don't quite understand you but you look after your friends and ultimately just want to be left in peace. We'd recommend shaving your head and getting in trouble with the law if you want to up your percentage.
66.6% Eleven
66.6% Eleven
Is your name Ten or Twelve by any chance? The similarities between you both are uncanny. You're a weirdo and no one has a clue where you came from or what you're about. People also suspect you might be an alien. You tend to freak others out but you're kinda cute when it comes down to it. Try not to run into any demogorgans when you're out and about, yeah?
99% Eleven
99% Eleven
You're basically Eleven. You've been in trouble with the law multiply times, have freaky abilities which no one understands and you have an addiction to waffles (or maybe pancakes?). People think you're a freak but you have a tight knit group of friends so it's all chill. Keep on repping Eleven in the real world...and stay clear of the Upside Down for goodness sake!