What Will Happen To You In 2016 Based On This One Question?

Your destiny awaits...

Created by PopBuzz
On Jun 2, 2017


You will become a meme.

You will become a meme.

Internet fame at last!

You will start an infamous beef.

You will start an infamous beef.

Keep your shady subtweets to a minimum.

You will be cast in Star Wars Episode VIII.

You will be cast in Star Wars Episode VIII.

........... as an extra.

You will have your weave snatched by Rihanna.

You will have your weave snatched by Rihanna.

~IF~she ever drops that album...

You will win Leo DiCaprio’s Oscar.

You will win Leo DiCaprio’s Oscar.

And the entire world will despise you.

You will become President.

You will become President.

You snooze you lose, America!

You will get away with murder.

You will get away with murder.

Please tell us how you did it!

You will eat some really great food.

You will eat some really great food.

2016 is looking GREAT for you.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021