How Will You Die, Really?
How Will You Die, Really?
We hate to be the bearer of bad news but you're defo going to die. Find out when and why!
We hate to be the bearer of bad news but you're defo going to die. Find out when and why!

What generation do you most identify with?
What does your life line on your palm look like?
Do you have a fate line?
Which of the following elements best describe you?
Which of these is your greatest fear?
How would you describe your dreams?
Choose a tombstone.
Quietly in your sleep...
Quietly in your sleep...
You're in for the long haul! You'll become the world's oldest living person right before you pass on quietly in your sleep! You will live a long life, full of love, loss, passion, adventure and success. You will leave behind countless grandchildren, great-grandchildren and even great-great-grandchildren that will carry your legacy on for generations. There is no doubt that your life will have had a profound and lasting impact on the world around you. Live well and enjoy the ride, 2091 is a long way away!
Lost at sea...
Lost at sea...
You will be lost at sea! You have that classic wanderlust that leaves you always on the hunt for the next great adventure. Believe it or not, you'll find your true passion in sailing the high seas and exploring parts of the world that you never imagined you'd see! Tragically you will be lost at sea in a terrible storm. Take solace in the fact that you will have seen more of the world than most! Your next great adventure awaits you on the other side!
You will be assassinated by organised crime for your relentless fight for justice and against corruption. You truly have a passion for fairness, social justice and making the world a better place. Your passionately held values will enable you to touch many lives and make a profound difference, but the price will be your life. Fight the good fight, you will go down in history as a hero...
Fell while painting...
Fell while painting...
You're a great artist, a creative genius, a rare master of your trade, and you will tragically tumble to your death. A time will come when everything will begin to make sense, all of your experiences will come together and you will be inspired to paint your life's masterpiece! Just as you paint the last, precious brush strokes of your painting, you will slip off the scaffolding and fall to your end. You were an artist in life, and you will certainly remain so in death. The stars will be your canvass!
In the throws of passion...
In the throws of passion...
You're an irresistible, passionate lover who will die in the throws of passion! Your ecstatic love-making will literally give you a heart attack. There certainly isn't one bit of shame in being such a bad ass love! Your mind blowing ecstasy will carry you right on over to the other side. You will leave behind many lovers who will have no idea what to do without your romantic attention ;)! Live well, and live hard... 2020 is just around the corner!
Epic stage dive...
Epic stage dive...
You always knew that you were destined for greatness, you always enjoyed the spotlight, and your certainly knew that you were destined for the stage! What you might not have known is that you'll stage dive to your abrupt end in front of a massive stadium of over 10,000 people! You will be an infamous rock star who knew that we only live once and the risks are truly worth it!