Which Badass TV Bitch Are You?
Which Badass TV Bitch Are You?
If only we could ALL be the Head Bitch In Charge...
If only we could ALL be the Head Bitch In Charge...

What is the most important thing in life?
Which emoji do you use most often?
Pick an accessory to rule the world while wearing:
What is your first thought when you wake up every morning?
UGH! Your best friend just betrayed you! What do you do?
Which outfit would you rock on a daily badass bitch basis?
Let's get real... How do you dance at parties?
Cookie Lyon
Cookie Lyon
Congratulations! You're the unstoppable Cookie Lyon from "Empire". You are the true definition of a badass! You see what you want and you go get it by means of hard work - nothing ever falls straight into your lap. Family means a lot to you, but so does success, boo boo kitty!
Chanel Oberlin
Chanel Oberlin
You're Chanel Oberlin from "Scream Queens"! You may be top of the food chain but you're not afraid to get your hands dirty - well, ok... as long as it doesn't involve mud or blood. You channel your badass bitch power through your style and you're the one all your friends look up to. There is definitely a dark side to you that only your closest friends know about.
Blair Waldorf
Blair Waldorf
You're Blair Waldorf from "Gossip Girl"! You're sensible, classy, cunning and just a tad bit vulnerable. You'd rather use your social status to launch a sweet take down than revert to anything distasteful. If you can take down your nearest threat without getting your hands dirty then you consider that a good days work!
Cersei Lannister
Cersei Lannister
You're Cersei Lannister from "Game Of Thrones". While you value your family and friends above all else in your life, your eye has always firmly on the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow - and you'll do WHATEVER you have to do to get to where you need to be. If that means scheming until the early hours, then so be it!
Alison Dilaurentis
Alison Dilaurentis
You're Alison from "Pretty Little Liars". You're devilishly cunning, clever, and a big ol' of a trouble maker. You're not afraid to do what needs to be done, even if it means a bumpy road ahead.