Which Bob's Burgers Character Are You, Really?
Which Bob's Burgers Character Are You, Really?
What's your particular flavour of weird?
What's your particular flavour of weird?
First thing's first - which burger best describes your personality?
You're just minding your own business, trying to serve some burgers to the hungry masses and the health inspector walks in, looking to shut down your whole operation. You...
Pick an O RLY owl.
How do you feel about butts?
How did you take the news of the 1D breakup?
Fave pop punk act?
Fave social network?
Be honest. Have you ever written fanfic?
Ketchup or mustard?
You're not obsessive, you just have a healthy active imagination! Sometimes it's too much for other people to handle, but you just do you, boo boo. You can achieve all your butt-filled dreams.
You're pure evil. There, we said it. Hey, don't blame us, you clicked the answers! You also may or may not be a genius with excellent leadership skills, though. Basically, you might end up as a dictator. #youforpres2015
Solid. Dependable. Very, very confused. Other single-word sentences. You might not know WTF is going on around you half the time, but you're keen to get in on the action and always keep your cool. 10/10, would friend again.
You're understanding, caring, and the glue that holds your group together (not like a regular mom, you're a cool mom.) You may or may not have an intense relationship with wine.
You're kind of confused about your identity right now and that's cool. We're always here to help! Also your family and loved ones, we guess....
You'll come out of this a better, much more fabulous person.