Which Fantasy Girlband Do You Belong In?
Which Fantasy Girlband Do You Belong In?
You're joining a girl band but which legendary women will be joining you?
You're joining a girl band but which legendary women will be joining you?

What type of music do you want to play?
What's your role in the band?
Choose an iconic girl group.
One of the group wants to pursue a solo career. What do you do?
Can you dance?
Pick a member of Fifth Harmony.
Pick a boy to be an honorary member of the group.
Which reptile do you most closely identify with?
The Huns
The Huns
You're in the coolest girl group (obviously). You write all your own music and the internet literally breaks every time you release a new bop. Unfortunately, it doesn't last long because you all want to be solo stars. Shame.
Hayley & The Hayleyettes
Hayley & The Hayleyettes
Congratulations! You're joining Hayley And The Hayleyettes. You'll sing on their new album Hayleymania, the much anticipated follow-up to Hayleytopia. You'll need to learn the words to their hits 'Hey Hayley', 'Hey, My Name Is Hayley' and 'Rolling In The Hayley' pretty quickly before you leave for the first ever 'Hayley's On The Road' Tour next month.
The Mean Girls
The Mean Girls
You're joining the baddest girl group around so you better be tough! You'll need to learn to words to their debut album, The Snake Emoji Collection, which features the songs 'Snakes On A Phone', 'Mo Harmony, Mo Problems' and 'Feeling My Snake'. Dress code is: Regina George in sheep's clothing.
The Sad Girls Club
The Sad Girls Club
You're joining the moodiest group of them all, The Sad Girls Clubs. All your music videos will only consist of you looking in the camera crying for 4 minutes and your next album is called 'What's The Fucking Point In Anything?' Feel free to embrace the emo aesthetic but do not understand any circumstances smile for a photo.