Which Hopeless Fountain Kingdom Song Describes Your Love Life?
Which Hopeless Fountain Kingdom Song Describes Your Love Life?
Halsey's back! But which HFK song is basically your relationship status right now?
Halsey's back! But which HFK song is basically your relationship status right now?

Pick a song from Hopeless Fountain Kingdom.
Choose a Halsey haircut.
Pick a song from Badlands.
Choose a word to describe yourself.
Love is...
What do you find attractive in others?
Pick a fountain.
Now or Never
Now or Never
"Baby I done, done enough talking, need to know that you're mine"
You've got a bae but now is the time for things to get serious or you've got to walk away. Don't let anybody mess you around!
"She doesn't kiss me on the mouth anymore, 'cause it's more intimate, than she thinks we should get"
You can try to deny it but it sounds like something is *definitely* going on between you and this "stranger". It also sounds like someone's got a case of cold feet...
Bad At Love
Bad At Love
"Lookin' at my history, I'm bad at love"
You have good intentions but it sounds like you get scared and generally end up in messy situations.
"I hope hopeless changes over time"
Ok, things might seem a bit shit right now but it sounds like you're looking for change and seeing a different future for yourself. Things can only get better from here.
"Sorry that I can't believe that anybody ever really starts to fall in love with me"
Guuurl, it sounds like your down in the dumps. You need to start believing that you are worthy of love and it all starts with a bit of self-love. We're rooting for you!