Which Indie Queen Are You?
Which Indie Queen Are You?
Which indie queen are you most like? Take this quiz to find out!
Which indie queen are you most like? Take this quiz to find out!

What are your favourite colour shades?
Pick an outfit
What food do you prefer?
Pick a music group/artist
Choose an accessory
Best phone cover
Let fate decide...
Marina and the Diamonds
Marina and the Diamonds
You're the Electra Heart of the indie world. Now go break some hearts...
Lana Del Rey
Lana Del Rey
You like looking into the distance and getting high by the beach a lot. You're also the coolest person in the whole planet. Shame about the summertime sadness...
Melanie Martinez
Melanie Martinez
Cry baby but you don't f*cking care! You're arty, got your own sense of style and you probably have a soft spot for kids toys. They don't come more unique than you!
Raised on Biggie and Nirvana, prone to changing hair colour and has a reputation for being a bit of a bad girl. But don't worry about that (you don't)