Which Member Of One Direction Should You Bring Home For Thanksgiving Dinner?
Which Member Of One Direction Should You Bring Home For Thanksgiving Dinner?
There's only enough room at the dinner table for one!
There's only enough room at the dinner table for one!

What qualities are you looking for in your Thanksgiving partner?
Which delightfully topical sweater will you wear while helping cook dinner?
What will the topic of conversation be at the dinner table?
What's your favourite part of the meal?
What will you do after Dinner?
Pick a gloriously autumnal leaf...
Pick your favourite Thanksgiving Parade float...
What One Direction jam are you MOST thankful for?!
And which member are you MOST thankful for?
You should invite Liam to Thanksgiving dinner! He'd watch the game with you, and he'd keep your drunk uncle away from the vodka too. You're onto a winner!
You should invite Niall to Thanksgiving dinner! He'd crack so many jokes at the dinner table, your parents would probably invite him back for Christmas.
You should invite Harry to Thanksgiving dinner! Your mum would LOVE Harry! And he'd help with all cleaning up. What a babe.
You should invite Louis to Thanksgiving dinner! He's be truly thankful for your loyal support and fangirling over the years. You'd have a great time!