Which Music Stereotype Are You?
Which Music Stereotype Are You?
Music nerd, frustrated artist, groupie? Time to show your true colours!
Music nerd, frustrated artist, groupie? Time to show your true colours!
Pick a music emoji.
How do you listen to music?
Which of these statements is most true of you.
Choose an era.
Pick a word to describe your favourite artist.
If you were in a band, which instrument would you play?
This man is wanted for crimes against fans. Have you seen him recently?
You've been following bands on tour again, haven't you? You're probably in love with the singer and have a huge crush on the rest of them too. That's no bad thing! Your life is about having fun and listening to great music, where's the harm in that? Do your thang honey b!
Music Nerd
Music Nerd
You listen to anything and everything. You're adventurous with your taste and you're always willing to try new things. You spend hours on end going through Spotify or record stores trying to find that special new song to fall in love with. It's your life. Some people think you take it too far but there's no such thing in our eyes.
Pop Punk Trash
Pop Punk Trash
Pop punk until you die? Yep, that's you. You've probably eaten four pizzas and the entire Panic back catalogue this week alone. Warped Tour is like a dream holiday for you and Patrick Stump is a bit of a god. That's cool with us.
Music Snob
Music Snob
If anything gets too popular, it's over. The charts are where artists go to die and you ain't gonna help them dig their own graves. You prefer small, intimate shows by bands on obscure labels no one's ever heard of. You'd be an awful person if you didn't have such an awesome music taste!
Frustrated Artist
Frustrated Artist
You have big dreams of becoming a musician but at the moment you're settling for listening to other people's records. It means you can be super judgemental about music but it's only because you care. You should get writing though. Don't live with regrets bbz!
Fandom Army
Fandom Army
You're at the frontline of the fandom wars. You're the first to jump on a hashtag when your artist needs defending and you won't think twice about looping your faves new single to push them up the charts. You're there day and night and you'll crush any enemies that step in their way. Ultimate devotion.