Which "Once Upon A Time" Villain Are You, Really?
Which "Once Upon A Time" Villain Are You, Really?
Some are pure evil and some are just freakin' awesome.
Some are pure evil and some are just freakin' awesome.

What colour are you eyes?
What's your faaaaavourite colour?
What do you desire most in this world?
What is your biggest weakness?
Pick an evil residence
Oooh, you've a got a spare few hours of free time in your evil schedule! What are you gonna do?
Which potion would you use to poison your enemy?
What would be your weapon of choice in a fight?
At the end of the day, are you actually a good person or are you truly as evil as they come?
Regina, The Evil Queen
Regina, The Evil Queen
If you were a "Once Upon A Time" villain you would be Queen Regina AKA The Evil Queen! You are evil and ruthless at times but only because something in your past was destroyed. There is evil in you but there is also a kindness that knows no bounds. You're also like, hella stylish and people look up to you more than you think.
Cora, The Queen of Hearts
Cora, The Queen of Hearts
The "Once Upon A Time" villain you are most like is Cora, the Queen of Hearts. You started from almost nothing and now you're EVERYTHING. You will stop at nothing to get what you want. You tend to shy away from showing any emotion and making any connections to people - you see a weakness in it. You will trick people into doing what you want and sometimes forget mercy and never feel guilty for what you do. MWAHAHA!
Peter Pan
Peter Pan
You would be Peter Pan. You may look chill and nice on the outside but on the inside you are a DEMONNN! You crave to stay young and stay at the front of the pack. You like to play games of course. Mind games, guessing games, ALL THE GAMES! You hate people depending on you but also like to make sure you're in charge of any and every person in the room.
You are Rumpelstiltskin, also known as The Dark One, the beast and the crocodile. People see you as pure evil but some people can see past your mask to see a good person. And after years of terrible things, there is hope for redemption. You're always quick to cut a hater back with a snappy remark and you'll never let anyone underestimate you - they'll learn in good time!
Cruella De Vil
Cruella De Vil
Your Once Upon a Time villain is Cruella De Vil. You love clothes and fashion and you've honed your intimidating style to the epitome of glamour. All eyes are on you whenever you walk into any room. You're always sarcastic and wont let anything bring you down. Ever.
Zelena, The Wicked Witch of The West
Zelena, The Wicked Witch of The West
You are Zelena. You are really wicked and believe wicked always wins - you gotta play dirty to win, right?! You were misunderstood as a child and you're always looking to change things that happened in the past.
You would be Maleficent. You have a small group of reliable friends and you rarely associate or reveal your true feelings to people you don't trust. You've been wronged in the past and you're always seeking a way to put that right - through whatever means necessary!
Ingrid the Snow Queen
Ingrid the Snow Queen
You would be Ingrid the Snow Queen! You have a big family but they misunderstand you all the time. Even though you're a low-key person, you always find yourself fighting to be heard in the group. When you gain that power, you're often reckless enough to cause damage. There's still a lot to learn, but you'll soon gain the respect you deserve!