Which Pop Punk Lyric Sums Up Your Entire Existence?
Which Pop Punk Lyric Sums Up Your Entire Existence?
Time to get out of this town...
Time to get out of this town...

Have you got out of this town yet?
Pick a pizza topping.
Pick a word.
Choose a pair of converse.
Pick a weather to reflect your current mood.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
You can only save one...
Choose one.
"Champagne, cocaine, gasoline and most things in between"
"Champagne, cocaine, gasoline and most things in between"
Oh babe, you're a bit of a mess but we love you for it. Pour me a drink and let's do something WILD.
"This is an emergency, so, are you listening?""
"This is an emergency, so, are you listening?""
You're just drama central right now. Seriously, you okay hun?
"Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me, 'til then I walk alone"
"Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me, 'til then I walk alone"
You're a bit of a loner and you're yet to meet someone that 'gets you'. There probably just round the corner. Any moment now...
"I'm just a notch in your bedpost but you're just a line in a song"
"I'm just a notch in your bedpost but you're just a line in a song"
Bitter much? Yes. But you're also really witty so you kinda get away with it.
"I'm finally acquiring the state of mind that everything is gonna be alright"
"I'm finally acquiring the state of mind that everything is gonna be alright"
You're starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. A better, brighter future awaits you. If you stick out your hand, you can almost touch it...
"And we'll have Halloween on Christmas and in the night we'll wish this never ends"
"And we'll have Halloween on Christmas and in the night we'll wish this never ends"
You've got a beau but they've got problems. It's difficult but you probably wouldn't swap them for the whole world and appreciate all the small things in life.
"My high school, it felt more to me like a jail cell, a penitentiary"
"My high school, it felt more to me like a jail cell, a penitentiary"
School can be rough. Really rough, actually. The pressure to fit in, to go to university, to be anything other than yourself. Ignore it, soon you'll be able to make your own choices and live the life you want!
"Growing up is giving up"
"Growing up is giving up"
You're holding on to all your childhood hopes and dreams and you're not gonna let anyone put you down. Pop punk till you die <3