Which Tim Burton Character Should Be Your Boyfriend?
Which Tim Burton Character Should Be Your Boyfriend?
Which out of his mind, super strange yet irresistible character from Tim Burton's films is your perfect partner?
Which out of his mind, super strange yet irresistible character from Tim Burton's films is your perfect partner?

Which quality do you find the most endearing?
What are you wearing to your next costume party?
Do you have a hard time trusting men?
Do you have a thing for family orientated men?
Pick your favourite Holiday:
Do you believe that love at first sight is logical?
Do you prefer living in a large community or a more isolated one?
If you could choose your partner's profession which of these would it be?
Pick a "Man's" style.
Pick a Johnny Depp.
Jack Skellington
Jack Skellington
Your Tim Burton Boyfriend is Jack Skellington from "The Nightmare Before Christmas"! As the Pumpkin King's main squeeze, you must be heavily into Halloween, adore spooks, ghouls and goblins, as well as have knack for future telling. All this skeleton wants is a kind, understanding support system who isn't just his arm candy, but his best friend as well. He's fairly independent and VERY into his work responsibilities, but that's what you like about him. Good pick if you ask us!
Willy Wonka
Willy Wonka
Willy Wonka is your Tim Burton Boyfriend! You have your hands full with this character. He's a bit of recluse but at the same time, likes to put on VERY grand displays and show off his INSANE inventions. He'll definitely keep you on your toes. On the bright side, you'll never be bored with this man! As a gal who LOVES chocolate, we're pretty confident you'll enjoy what Wonka has to offer! Oh, and there's the small matter of getting to live in the damn chocolate factory! We're sold!
Victor Van Dort
Victor Van Dort
Victor Van Dort from "Corpse Bride" is your Tim Burton Boyfriend! Obviously, Victor is an introverted, soft spoken, and socially awkward individual... but we love him for it! He believes in true love and always remains humble no matter the circumstance. The big bonus to snagging this clumsy character is that he believes in keeping his promises. You appreciate a man who is honest and loyal, which is why you two are perfect together.
Edward Scissorhands
Edward Scissorhands
The Tim Burton Character you belong with is Edward Scissorhands! If we've matched him with you, it must be because we're absolutely sure you won't take advantage of this kind, innocent soul. He may be naive and lacking some social receptors, but he's pretty darn cute for a man with scissors for fingers. He's a creative, misunderstood soul who needs you to be his muse when times are Tough. He wants to learn and adapt, and you're the perfect person to re-introduce him to the world!
Sweeney Todd
Sweeney Todd
The slightly sinister yet super suave Sweeney Todd is your Tim Burton Boyfriend! If we've matched him with you, it must be because you're the kind of strong gal that could keep Sweeney in check. He might be a serial killer but he's pretty damn hot tbh. Together, you'll be the hottest couple in London - everyone will be talking about you! He's a timid soul with a troubled past but your strong willed personality and ability to take things with a pinch of salt make you a perfect match!
Ichabod Crane
Ichabod Crane
Your Tim Burton Boyfriend is the legendary Ichabod Crane from "Sleepy Hollow"! We're not going to sugar coat this when we tell you, but homeboy is a total scaredy cat. However, for what he lacks in bravery he makes up for in intelligence. This means you must be the gutsy one in the relationship, especially since you may find yourself in a damsel in distress type of situation sometimes - but we have a feeling you're okay with that. You might as well be the motherly nurturing type as well, but you'll always have a new case to help solve and therefore lead a life of mystery with this man. Just don't book your honeymoon spot in Sleepy Hollow, if you know what we mean...