QUIZ: Which TV siblings are you and your IRL siblings most like?
QUIZ: Which TV siblings are you and your IRL siblings most like?
Just what type of siblings are you?
Just what type of siblings are you?

How often do you and your sibling(s) fight?
When your sibling is getting a lecture from your parents, how do you react?
Do you bail your sibling out of bad situations or let them handle it?
What is your favourite sibling activity?
Do you and your sibling(s) actually get along?
How long can you last in the same room before it gets to be a bit much?
Are you and your sibling competitive?
Would you EVER let your sibling borrow your clothes?
Ross and Monica Geller
Ross and Monica Geller
You're literally Ross and Monica from Friends. You guys actually get along most of the time and look out for each other – but you're so competitive! And your parents definitely prefer one of you over the other 😬
Dean and Sam Winchester
Dean and Sam Winchester
You and your sibling(s) are most like Dean and Sam from Supernatural. You take turns looking after each other and make the best team ever. You've always got each other's backs, no matter what.
Bart and Lisa Simpson
Bart and Lisa Simpson
You guys are like Bart and Lisa from The Simpsons. You fight like cats and dogs and couldn't be more different but deep deep (deep) down inside you care for each other.
Haley, Alex and Luke Dunphy
Haley, Alex and Luke Dunphy
You're like the Dunphy siblings from Modern Family. You're competitive and petty at times, and you all have different interests... but in the end you're definitely on the same team.
Carlton, Hilary, and Ashley
Carlton, Hilary, and Ashley
You are like Carlton, Hilary, and Ashley from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. You're close, but not too close. You're not overly involved in each other's drama and you stay in your own lane. But you can be petty if you want to be.
Lucas and Erica
Lucas and Erica
You guys are most like Lucas and Erica from Stranger Things. You don't see eye to eye AT ALL and you both think the other is annoying AF. But ultimately, when it comes down to it, your loyalty knows no bounds.
How often do you and your sibling(s) fight?