Would You Panic At The Disco?
Would You Panic At The Disco?
The. Ultimate. Question.
The. Ultimate. Question.
Who's your fave Panic! member (past or present)?
What's your favourite P!ATD collab?
Which album is your spiritual anthem?
Fave song?
Perfect Saturday night plans?
Brendon Urie: Yay or Nay?
If you were a pizza... what kind?
Are you a party animal?
What's your stance on guyliner?
What's your top fandom?
Always. Party animal central!
Always. Party animal central!
I can't wait for P!ATD to come on at the club. They just get me - and my inescapable need to party.
N-no. Why? Is there a fire hazard?
N-no. Why? Is there a fire hazard?
Panic! isn't my style... I'm more of a PANIC AND EXIT THE BUILDING kind of person.
I'm more of a "Hallelujah" kind of person
I'm more of a "Hallelujah" kind of person
Your devotion is of the "calm and collected type". Unless Brendon Urie is anywhere in the vicinity.
Only on Fridays and Saturdays....
Only on Fridays and Saturdays....
And sometimes Sundays. And Monday through Thursday.
You have "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out" and the diagnosis is: P!ATD-itis..
Duh! Me and the rest of the world!
Duh! Me and the rest of the world!
Sinners assemble! My whole crew has tickets to see the London show in January. We already made banners. And T-shirts. And memorised the setlist.
Yes. Always.
Yes. Always.
But I'm a true fan, you know? I'm not just here for Brendon, Dallon and Daniel and Kenneth can share my love. And Jonathan... #bringbackjonathan