Would You Survive A TV Apocalypse?
Would You Survive A TV Apocalypse?
Well... would you?
Well... would you?
What's your special survival skill?
Pick an item to carry around with you.
Choose your own Apocalypse:
Are you a team player or a lone wolf?
What are you wearing during this trying time?
Someone's trying to steal your resources/food/ship/Castiel. How do you handle it?
There's a traitor in your ranks and the group is leaving it to you. Do you:
Pick an apocalypse food.
Which TV universe would you live in after the Apocalypse?
Pick a fight song.
You'd be dead by the first commercial break.
You'd be dead by the first commercial break.
Soz, you're just a plot device.
You'd die in the final battle against the Big Bad.
You'd die in the final battle against the Big Bad.
You'll be a hero and people would write scornful fanfic about you, but you wouldn't get a second season.
You'd survive as the faithful companion.
You'd survive as the faithful companion.
You can't die, the Chosen One needs you!
You're the hero of this tale and you'll live on for six seasons and a movie.
You're the hero of this tale and you'll live on for six seasons and a movie.