How Intelligent Are You Based On These Optical Illusion Questions?

Read the questions carefully to find the hidden "hints".

Created by PopBuzz
On Aug 19, 2016

Are the lines straight or crooked?

Which table is bigger?

Are square A and square B the same color?

Is this a still image or an animated GIF?

Do you SEE the black circles between the squares?

Is there "actually" a third pole in the middle?

Are these spirals or perfect circles?

Which is more "dominant"?

Which is bigger, A or B?

Which way is the wheel turning?

How many legs do you see?

Super-intelligence: You understand 100% of what you see

Super-intelligence: You understand 100% of what you see

Congratulations! Your brain and eyes can process 100% of all the confusing and complicated information!

When we "see" something, our eyes transmit a tremendous amount of information back to the brain, and it requires too much brain power to process all of it. In order to make the job easier, the brain has devised shortcuts to understand what it is seeing, but you managed to stay in control and not let the reshuffling take over!

Advanced Intelligence: You understand 97% of what you see

Advanced Intelligence: You understand 97% of what you see

Well done! Your brain and eyes can process 97% of the confusing and complicated data!

When we "see" something, our eyes transmit a tremendous amount of information back to the brain, and it requires too much brain power to process all of it. In order to make the job easier, the brain has devised shortcuts to understand what it is seeing. You were able to stay in control of about 97% of the reshuffling!

You are an artist, aren't you?

You are an artist, aren't you?

When we "see" something, our eyes transmit a tremendous amount of information back to the brain, and it requires too much brain power to process all of it. In order to make the job easier, the brain has devised shortcuts to understand what it is seeing. You weren't able to stay in control and let your brain take over.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021