Which "Kung Fu Panda" Animal Are You?
Which "Kung Fu Panda" Animal Are You?
The Kung Fu Panda trilogy is full of some kickass and often totally random animals; but which one speaks to you the most?
The Kung Fu Panda trilogy is full of some kickass and often totally random animals; but which one speaks to you the most?

Pick a Po.
What are you most likely to go all Kung Fu for?
Pick a kung fu scene.
How do you show off for the bae?
Pick a dish.
What would your epic training montage look like?
Pick a REAL Kung Fu style.
How would you spend 500 years in the Spirit Realm?
You Are: A Giant Panda
You Are: A Giant Panda
A bit like Po, you're primarily motivated primarily by food and people often wonder how you haven't already gone extinct. But looks can be deceiving; you can be full of surprises when you want to be!
You Are: A Tigress
You Are: A Tigress
Dominant and territorial, you often have a pretty large competitive streak. Sort of like Master Tigress when Po first bumbled along. But you know how to work as a team when you need to!
You Are: A Red Panda
You Are: A Red Panda
Much like Master Shifu, you can be solitary but territorial at the same time ; so you can be protective of what's close to you when you need to be. Fun fact: predators of the red panda include the snow leopard... what could that mean...?
You Are: A Yak
You Are: A Yak
Just like yaks thriving in the Tibetan mountains, or Kai the Collector spending 5,000 years in limbo, you're pretty sturdy and unphased by most things. Although it wouldn't hurt for you to get off your butt off and take a shower once in a while!
You Are: A Snow Leopard
You Are: A Snow Leopard
Already a badass by surviving in frozen areas, you're more than capable of looking after yourself. Just like the tenacious Tai Lung, you don't go down easily; and have a taste for red pandas....
You Are: A Viper
You Are: A Viper
Considered one of the most dangerous kinds of snakes, you have a surprisingly good sense of judgement. Much like the perceptive Master Viper, you never bite off more than you can chew!
You Are: A Mantis
You Are: A Mantis
You're living proof that big things come in small packages! Much like the Furious Five's Master Mantis, people have learned not to underestimate you. You've also got some pretty sweet ties with the world of martial arts, with Mantises being a huge inspiration...
You Are: A Peacock
You Are: A Peacock
Like Lord Shen, peacocks know how to use things to their advantage; like their bright and colourful appearance. You might not use your looks to get what you want, but you definitely have a flair for the stylish.