What Kind of Risk-Taker are You?
What Kind of Risk-Taker are You?
From bunjee jumping to cliff jumping, how much of an adventurous person are you?
From bunjee jumping to cliff jumping, how much of an adventurous person are you?

From smaller things like trusting strangers on vacation to the bigger things like jumping out of an airplane or off a cliff into deep waters, do you know where you are on that range?
This quiz will test your risk-taking levels and determine how risky you are. Well, what are you waiting for? Let's goooooo!
Your friends want to go bungee jumping. Do you…
Your partner/housemate has left the house without their key. Oh no. What happens next?
You aren’t enjoying your job and you no longer want to work there. Choose what you'd do:
You’ve met somebody online who you really like, they ask you to move away from home to be with them, even though you haven’t yet met in person. Do you…
You get a horse racing tip from someone who claims they are an expert. What do you do?
You have a long journey ahead of you on the motorway however your car is running low on petrol. Do you…
Tomorrow is Saturday and you have to wake up early to travel somewhere. What do you do?
You’re about to leave the house for a very important meeting when the snow starts coming down. HARD. How do you handle this?
You want to tell a love interest that you would like to be in a relationship with them, but you are unsure of their feelings towards you. How do you approach it?
You want to go traveling however you have no money saved up to do so. What do you do?
Daredevil Dannie
Daredevil Dannie
Wow, you're a real risk-taker, aren't you? You'll try anything, and the bigger the challenge, the better! May the force be with you and don’t forget, taking calculated risks can be even more rewarding.
Calculated Charlie
Calculated Charlie
You live the best of both worlds and you’re more likely to chase rainbows if there’s a nice pot of gold at the end.
Safe & Sound Sam
Safe & Sound Sam
Familiar and secure wins pretty much every day for you. And as you know better than most, a good look prevents any unnecessary leaps!
Which of these risky activities would you be most likely to do?
Which of these risky activities would you be most likely to do?