What Kind of a Philosopher Are You?

Forget about the classic classification of philosophers-which of these new simple types of philosophers are you?

Potato Head Company
Created by Potato Head Company (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jan 6, 2017

Would you consider yourself paranoid?

Pick a quote about life.

Which of these celebrities is your idol?

What is your favorite music genre?

Which of these phrases would you most likely use?

Which of these movies has taught you most about life?

What would you prefer to drink during a deep philosophical discussion?



You're not an actual philosopher but you really want to be seen as one. You like to hang out with real philosophers and pretend you're one of them. Think more, talk less!

Street philosopher

Street philosopher

Your life philosophy is inspired by the street culture. You have your own unique views not affected by society and you prefer not to obey the system.

Pompous philosopher

Pompous philosopher

When someone thinks of a philosopher, your face comes up! You're certainly know your stuff and love philosophy, but what you have in education you lack in creativity. It wouldn't hurt to challenge your views and listen to your debating opponent once in a while!



Congrats, you're the craziest philosopher out there! Your views are original, and there are no limits to your creativity. Your style of philosophy is whimsical and unique, so your opponents may have trouble understanding you sometimes.

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