What is your patronus?
What is your patronus?
While waiting for J.K. Rowling's patronus quiz, occupy yourself with this one!
While waiting for J.K. Rowling's patronus quiz, occupy yourself with this one!

You feel justified in feeling superior to others.
You have a strong sense of right and wrong.
You believe in manipulating people.
I want to make my mark in the world.
You are optimistic
You are very trusting.
You are open minded.
You feel alone in the world
Your patronus is a badger! While badgers may look cute, they are fierce, and protective. They will fight to the death to protect their loved ones or territory. They can also be somewhat standoffish to people they don't know very well, but once you get to know them they make great friends. You'll certainly be grateful for this patronus when a dementor tries to attack you.
Your patronus is a wolf! You are loyal, and you a very social. You prefer to travel in groups, but even when you are alone you remain strong. This patronus will certainly help you defeat a dementor!
Your patronus is a hawk! You enjoy being alone and are very introspective. Keen senses are your specialty, and you are very sharp minded. Dementors will flee at the sight of this patronus.
Your patronus is a cat! Though you prefer to be alone you have a good amount of friends. You have a more cynical outlook on life, and you humor is sarcastic and dry. You are very quick and will undoubtedly outwit all dementors.
Your patronus is a mouse! You like to keep the peace and don't engage in many fights. And while you can be a little skittish at times, you will protect your friends and family in times of need. Even a small patronus can drive a dementor away.
Your patronus is a dog! You have a very optimistic outlook on life, and you are very trusting. When in a dangerous situation your family and friends come first, and you enjoy glory. Dementors will certainly be driven away by your endless supply of happy thoughts!
Your patronus is a dragon! You have a regal presence and are very cunning. You aren't afraid to take advantage of people, but its usually for good reasons. Your ferocity will drive any dementor away!
Your patronus is a lion! You prefer to be with others and feel it to be your duty to protect not only your friends and family, but strangers too. You can be slightly arrogant at times, but you do play the protective roll in your group of friends, so this is usually justified. You have a strong sense of right and wrong, and dementors should be wary.