Take our area codes dialling quiz
Take our area codes dialling quiz
How much do you know about UK dialling codes?
How much do you know about UK dialling codes?

What is the dialling code for Manchester?
What is the dialling code for Greater London?
On PhONEday the digit ‘1’ was added to area codes beginning with a ‘0.’ In which year did this take place?
On April 22, 2000, several cities moved to eight-digit local numbers to meet a growing need for more numbers. What city moved from 01222 to 02920?
What is the number of the Speaking Clock if you call from a landline?
Dialling the fictitious US number ‘555-2368’ would get you the services of which of the following?
BT’s forerunner the GPO proposed a three-digit number for emergency calls. 999 was chosen and introduced in which year?
On January 15, 1880, The Telephone Company issued the first phone book. It contained London business and personal names, instead of numbers, and the caller rang the exchange and asked to be connected to another subscriber. How many numbers were listed in the book?