Which Preacher character are you?
Which Preacher character are you?
The wild AMC series features some of the craziest TV characters of all time - which one do you match up with?
The wild AMC series features some of the craziest TV characters of all time - which one do you match up with?

Pick your essential item of clothing
How do you feel about violence?
What is your vice?
Do you have a dark secret?
How do you feel about sunlight
How much do you drink?
Which of these words best describes you?
And which of these words best describes you?
You are Jesse Custer - a small town preacher with a criminal past and some mysterious powers. Brooding, cool and awesome at fighting, you're a natural leader in a crazy world.
Your are Tulip - a volatile, hell-raising force of nature. Don't be fooled by a nice smile, you're powerful, ruthless and someone you never, ever want to cross.
You are Cassidy - you are wild, fun-loving and a great person to have around. You are held back by your endless vices, but you do have caring and loyal side hidden underneath the madness.