Which Divergent Faction Do You Belong To?
Which Divergent Faction Do You Belong To?
Which faction from the world of Divergent- Dauntless, Abnegation, Erudite, Candor, or Amity- would you join at the Choosing Ceremony?
Which faction from the world of Divergent- Dauntless, Abnegation, Erudite, Candor, or Amity- would you join at the Choosing Ceremony?
Which element are you?
Are you a thinker or a feeler?
You prefer to resolve conflicts by...
Agree/Disagree: Power is inherently evil.
Agree/Disagree: You have strong motivation and a strong work ethic.
Agree/Disagree: You think before you act or speak.
Agree/Disagree: You are willing to lie to maintain peace.
Agree/Disagree: You work hard to please your parents.
Agree/Disagree: People look up to you as a role model.
The Abnegation are the selfless faction, always wanting to serve others. They blamed selfishness for the flaws in human nature.
The Amity are the peaceful faction; they are the nurturers, caretakers, and healers of the city. They blamed aggression for the flaws in human nature.
The Candor are the honest faction, willing to tell the truth in any situation. They blamed dishonesty for the flaws in human nature.
The Dauntless are the brave faction, proving their courage every day through small acts of bravery. They blamed cowardice for the flaws in human nature.
The Erudite are the intelligent faction, striving to discover more about the world around them. They blamed ignorance for the flaws in human nature.
The Factionless do not belong to any faction, either because they failed faction initiation or they disagree with their prior faction's values. They have the highest population of Divergent, or people who can belong to multiple factions.