Only Magical Harry Potter Fans Can Understand Every Single Harry Potter Spell
Only Magical Harry Potter Fans Can Understand Every Single Harry Potter Spell
How much of a Wizard are you?
How much of a Wizard are you?

Wizard Master!
Wizard Master!
Congratulations. You have just graduated from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You are completely spell-binding. You are a true Harry Potter expert and could conjure up your own magical and marvellous spells. There is no spell that you couldn't defeat and you could definately give Hermoine a run for her money. Up, up and away!
Wizard Learner
Wizard Learner
Well done. You have just entered year 10 at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy. You know the basic spell binding words and you could definately get yourself out of a sticky situation with Voldermort. You still need to keep studying your witchcraft to graduate but well done on being a magical and marvellous student.
Wizard Baby
Wizard Baby
Well done, but you need to go back to the first year of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You don't know the basics and you wouldn't stay alive for long in front of another warlock or wolf. Baby steps my dear child. We know how much you love Harry but keep studying the basics and you will be flying high in no time.