Only True 90's Fans Can Name These Girl Groups
Only True 90's Fans Can Name These Girl Groups
How well do you remember these retro babes?
How well do you remember these retro babes?

Who are these sassy ladies?
Who are these cute teens?
These 90's RnB babes are called?
Who are these fiesty babes?
These girls had a huge one-hit wonder. What were they called?
The queens of pop, otherwise known as...?
What is the name of this forgotten girl band?
What was this duo called?
This British pop band were called?
What is the name of this band?
What is the name of this original line-up?
The girls were otherwise known as...?
What was this cheeky band called?
Who are these girls?
What was the name of this pop band?
You are the Ultimate 90's Fan!
You are the Ultimate 90's Fan!
Congratulations! You are the ultimate 90's girl band fan. You know the name of every single 90's girl band and you probably know all the biggest hits too. The Spice Girls were on constant repeat in your record player and you desperately wanted to be a member of TLC.
You are a 90's Follower!
You are a 90's Follower!
Well done! You are a 90's follower. You know the big bands of the 90's but you probably don't remember 3LW or Blaque. You followed all the chart toppers and know all the lyrics to "Say You'll Be There" but you might not know how to sing "No, No, No, No" by the original Destiny's Child.
You were born in the 90's!
You were born in the 90's!
Better luck next time! You were clearly born in the 90's and don't know any of these famous pop bands. You grew up in the 00's and these girl groups would have all flopped or dissapeared by then. Try another quiz of ours and try and score top marks.