This Bicycle Quiz Will Reveal What % Hipster You Actually Are
This Bicycle Quiz Will Reveal What % Hipster You Actually Are
How hipsterfied are you?
How hipsterfied are you?

When do you most use your bike?
What does your bike look like?
Do you cycle to work?
If your bike breaks how do you fix it?
Can you do any tricks on your bike?
Do you use your bike on weekends?
Where do you store your bike?
What kind of breaks does your bike have?
How quickly can you reach work in the morning?
100% Hipster
100% Hipster
You are 100% hipster! You couldn't pull up your socks and pimp your fixie any harder if you tried. You love being in the 'seen' and cycling around town dotting into coffee shops and ordering a flat white. Your bicycle is ladened with the latest gear and you don't use public transportation because you and your hipster style flourish around town on your 2 wheels.
60% Hipster
60% Hipster
You are definitely more than 50% hipster and you do love getting around town on your bike. You tend not to take yourself ultra seriously but you did spend a long time in the coolest bike shop in town choosing your method of transportation. You will color-coordinate your kicks with your fixie, but you don't live the hipster lifestyle and will often be seen down the pub getting wasted and taking the subway home.
30% Hipster
30% Hipster
You own a sexy bicycle but it is purely for the pure form of transportation. You make sure it looks nice and runs properly but you ideally just want to get from A to B. You don't tend to go to 'cool' places and prefer to be true to yourself and hang out with the people you love rather than stick to a cool crowd.
Hip-what? You don't even know what the word hipster means and you have a bicycle because your love running up mountains and having long weekends out in the countryside. You bought your bike depending on the gear functions and how quickly you can get around town. You love going on extreme weekends and sweating til your hearts content. Hipster you are most definitely not.