What is the ONE Personality Trait That You Have That Makes People Go Nuts
What is the ONE Personality Trait That You Have That Makes People Go Nuts
Here we go, let's face the music!
Here we go, let's face the music!

Your partner has locked you out of the bathroom and you are desperate for the toilet, what is your mental feeling?
Choose your face of calm calculation
Which of these options annoys you the most?
What does your face look like after you don't get your own way?
What do you find the biggest challenge?
You just recieved a phone call from your boss at midnight to finish a deadline, how do you react?
What word do most people describe you as?
When you are angry, what animal might people compare you to?
What is your choice of vice?
Please choose your bitch face?
How long does it take you to tick?
What is your morning after face?
What is one of your strengths?
Which contest are you most likely to win?
Which game are you most likely to loose?
People absolutely adore you but what tends to drive people wild about your personality is your neurosis. You can’t help but want to be in control of everything and become obsessive with your life plans. Indecision could be your middle name and you find it extremely difficult to choose one or the other. You are such a giving and loving human being but sometimes your anxiety gets the better of you and your obsessive, anxious thoughts can drive those closest to you up the wall.
You are the most organized person on the planet but your level and need for perfection can drive people wild. You can’t stand people leaving scraps on the plate and turning up late to events. You need to feel that everything needs to be done to the best it can be and this can drive your friends and family bonkers. We understand that being a perfectionist is a wonderful personality trait but being hard on yourself can be draining and prove difficult if you are constantly looking to be the best at everything.
You are the most impulsive person on the planet and love following your gut instinct. This can be a wonderful thing but it can also lead to troubling situations. You love feeling alive and taking risks but your impulsiveness nature can drive the people around you to despair. Your lack of planning and inability to commit proves frustrating to loved ones as you can never make up your mind and make a solid commitment.
Attention Seeking
Attention Seeking
You love being the centre of attention in any situation and this can be draining on others around you. You are the life and soul of the party and no one could ever question that, however your excessive need for attention can be exhausting. The universe is a big place, you are the centre of it but try to pick the times and places where you can let others shine their light.