What Kind Of Water Represents Your Happiness?
What Kind Of Water Represents Your Happiness?
We are built up of water so let's see what type of water represents your happiness the most.
We are built up of water so let's see what type of water represents your happiness the most.

Choose a picture
Which picture makes you feel calmest?
Which picture makes you feel warm inside?
Which kind of wave makes you feel excited?
Which picture fills you with joy?
Waterfalls make you feel...?
The still lake makes you feel...?
When you look at this picture, does it make you feel happy or anxious?
Running Steam
Running Steam
Your happiness is like a running river stream. You tend to be steady and calm and let whatever happens to you in life trickle down the stream. Things are often calm and organised in your life. There might be the sudden twist and turn but in general you know what makes you happy and how to achieve it. Keep that river flowing!
Your happiness is much like a waterfall and when it rains, it pours. When you are happy you can't help but feel a huge rush and gush of emotion that overpowers you like a surging waterfall. You might feel happy and high for days on end until the water runs out from the river stream.
Ocean Waves
Ocean Waves
Your happiness is like the ocean. Sometimes it might be calm but when the stormy weather hits, you are just waves upon waves of laughter and smiles. Your happy highs can last for days and as big as the ocean is, this is the same as your heart. You are full of love and whatever way the wind is blowing, the waves of happiness are always swirling.
Still Lake
Still Lake
You are as calm and quiet as a still lake. Nothing makes you happier than peace and quiet. You love spending down time with friends and family and this is when you are at your happiest. You could sit in this meditative state for days on end feeling absolute bliss.